Ear Care Academy Network

Why Join Ear Care Academy Network

– Approved clinics nationwide (United Kingdom).
– All clinicians are trained and competent from Ear Care Academy
– Get special prices on equipment and ear care disposables from Ear Care Clinic eShop
– Access to subject matter experts for business advise, clinical advise and digital marketing advise
– Search engine optimisation to increase online traffic to your network listing & website
– Join the premier ear care network in the UK

Why subscribe The Ear Care Network?

The Ear Care Clinic Network is set up and managed by leading healthcare professionals in the Audiology and Otology industry in the UK and have a strict entry requirement to be trained on aural microsuction.  The course co-founder hold a medical degree and doctorate level audiologists and have years of experience in dealing with complex patients as well as training and teaching qualified and registered healthcare in hospital setting.  This will give network subscribers an assurance that their clinics will be well supported clinically and operationally.

Network subscribers will also benefit from online marketing to include social media and google search optimisations as well as our market intelligence knowledge.

All Network subscribers must be trained by the Ear Care Academy as a pre-requisite, this will give patients accessing the network that the healthcare professional is qualified, registered and well trained.  All healthcare professionals listed on our Network have been intensively trained in a hospital setting with live patients and seen minimum number of live patients prior to being signed of as competent in microsuction.

Ear Care Clinic network subscribers will have their clinics listed on the main website and promoted digitally via google optimisation and social media, so patients, carers and other healthcare professional can book or refer patients.   Ear Care network subscribers will also have access to subject matter experts in digital marketing, business advise and clinical peer reviews.   Ear Care network subscribers will also have access to a portal where they can purchase ear care disposables, consumables, and equipment at discounted rates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why use our network?

We are the pre-eminent authority in Ear Care in the UK with all our network members benefiting from access to first class marketing, business  and clinical expertise from leaders in the industry

What benefits does being a network member have?

Joining the Ear Care Academy Network has many benefits including helping drive traffic to your website, increase bookings, elevate the credibility of your service, provide clinical and coaching support, discounts on equipment and consumables and more (see below)

What happens if I decide to stop my subscription - do I lose my website?

Stopping your subscription will not make you lose your Clinic page content on the Ear Care Clinic Network site.  This will be passed on to you so that you may set up a separate site as needed.  Stopping the subscription does delist a clinic/service from our bookings page and clinic location finder

How will being a network member help with SEO?

Being a network member, you benefit from a large network of Ear Care Clinic services being listed under an authoritative site on Google and other search engines.  This allows your site to rank higher in searches.  Back linking of your Ear Care Clinic Network page to your individual clinic site further improves this.  In addition, the clinic location finder hugely helps local SEO when patients search for clinics near where they live

Is there a minimum subscription period for the network?

The minimum subscription period is 12 months

Do I have to attend your training course to become a network member?

Yes, all our Ear Care Clinic Network members must have undergone our gold standard microsuction training and be certified by Ear Care Academy to perform microsuction

How much does joining the network cost?

The starter package is £200 per month, with additional tiers being developed currently